Sunday, February 18, 2007


According to The Economist of February 1st, the Israeli liberal daily Haaretz wrote about the « intra-Israeli threat » : the prime minister is under investigation for allegations ranging from dishonest property trading to improperly trying to influence the privatisation of a bank. The finance minister is being probed for embezzlement, the tax authority for fraud. The president faces multiple charges of rape. This week a former justice minister was convicted for forcibly kissing a young woman soldier, which could land him in jail for up to three years. The army chief of staff has resigned over the Libanon war; this month a commission of inquiry is set up to shine a harsh light on the performance of army and government. So in Israel things don’t look exactly kosher.
Commentators talking about the blocked peace process frequently used the argument of the internal problems between Palestinian leaders. Since the accords of Mecca, the tables are turned.

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